Are you questioning whether your significant other truly loves you?

affection commitment connection dating in a relationship married Mar 01, 2023

Are you questioning whether your significant other truly loves you? It can be difficult to tell, so here are some signs that may aid in deciphering the truth. We all express love differently, and a man can give off mixed messages - but certain aspects of genuine affection tend to present themselves without fail. If these things appear in your relationship with him, then chances are he deeply cares about you! I would like to introduce the three P’s to you.

Does he Provide? Traditionally, men are expected to be providers, but it’s deeper than traditional. It’s almost an innate, a part of their construct to do so, so when you see a man who moves in a way to provide, it a promising sign that he’s in love with you is if he provides for you. This could be anything from money to emotional support and encouragement. He cares deeply about you if you find him taking the initiative to provide for your needs.

Does he Protect? Again, traditionally, we teach her young boys to be strong protectors, so they learn early to protect the things that are dear to them. That intern will be you, so when you find someone who runs to your rescue to protect you from someone who says something about you or wants to cause physical harm. Again, a great sign of true love is if your man constantly looks out for your safety and well-being. Is he willing to risk himself to protect you? Does he go above and beyond for your safety and security? If so, this is a surefire sign that he loves you with all his heart.

Does He Profess His Love For You Openly? Lastly, does your man profess his love openly and proudly? Does he tell you he loves you and make it a point to show his feelings for you? in the day and age of social media, we are constantly telling the world what we feel, what we eat, where we’re going, and who matters to us.

Therefore, when a man shares his affection for the person he loves publicly, it literally solidifies how he feels about you, especially if it’s a new relationship; it’s a good way to gauge where he is, and where he intends to go in the connection If so, this is one of the most significant signs that he truly does love you.

Besides the three P’s, there are a couple of other Characteristics I want you to look for in your relationship, such as a sense of commitment to you, the relationship, and commitment to us as a unit Commitment: If he’s trying to be there for you and shows up consistently, this is a sign of his commitment. He might be planning weekend trips or suggesting date nights, even if they’re just virtual ones – these all indicate his level of commitment to the relationship.

Consistency: Ladies, sometimes, we can overlook the critical things that speak volumes about your man who is consistent. A man consistently shows up for you emotionally and financially, as opposed to a man who is there sometimes, but when he comes, he comes like a whirlwind of the things you have desired. Know when the guy consistently gives you a dollar every week, but the inconsistent guy who gives you $40 once every blue moon.

My queen, understand that a consistent dollar is something you can depend on and rely on in a relationship. You want to have the sense of dependability that you have someone who will come true regardless. When someone loves someone else, they tend to stay consistent in their actions and reactions towards them over time. Does he still want to spend time with you after months of togetherness? Or does he respond to your messages right away? These can all be signs of his real feelings. Vulnerability: Being in love means opening up and sharing deep feelings with someone else. If he shares his fears and hopes with you, it could be a sign that he’s in love with you. This type of vulnerability takes trust, so if he’s willing to do it, he may see the relationship as more than just casual dating.

These are some signs that might show whether or not your partner is really in love with you. It’s important to remember that everyone expresses their feelings differently, so don’t make assumptions – communication is key! Ultimately, if there are signs of commitment, consistency, and vulnerability in your relationship, it’s likely a sign that he is in love with you.

Happy attracting!

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