Shifting Dating Patterns for result

dating in a relationship mentorship May 03, 2022


The human mind is extremely malleable. It is constantly shaped by what you see and experience in your surroundings, and it absorbs new information throughout your life. As a result, when you see advertisements for vitamins that show extremely thin women as the "ideal" of fitness, your brain is quick to pick up on that messaging (no matter how misleading that may be). These kinds of images have the potential to drastically alter our perceptions of beauty standards, and a new study by British and Swiss academics has discovered that the process occurs much faster than previously thought. Although change is inevitable in a relationship, it can be difficult for one or both partners to understand why and what to do about it. Consider a few factors when it comes to how the women or men you date change during a relationship. 

  1. One, it appears that you are unlikely to begin dating a girl who is not at peak physical fitness and vitality, which is unsustainable. When you, a supposedly physically stable guy, consistently seek out women in their physical prime, you'll notice a degradation over time as life gets in the way and these women can't spend countless hours in the gym. Again, any change in your behavior during this time period is likely to be imperceptible to you.
  2. Two, remember that traditional beauty standards for women can be exhausting. The average woman may spend hours applying makeup, doing her hair, grooming, selecting thoughtful outfits, agonizing over her diet, and crushing it in the gym to achieve what you may perceive as "natural" beauty. In what world would that result in someone not being tired? Over time, she'll correctly assume that you like her for who she is and that she doesn't have to maintain the same facade all the time because you love her and care about who she is more than her appearance.
  3. Finally, understand that it is extremely rare for those initial lustful embers to continue to burn throughout the duration of a relationship. The longer you're with someone, the more it becomes about love and mutual respect, rather than the novelty of the experience. Your comment about your partners becoming more sensitive to your remarks is telling — chances are you're either a lot nicer at the start of a relationship or you're an asshole the entire time and they gradually lose patience with you.

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